Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!

Got Your Ears On? Here’s how to 1)Save Money! 2)Learn! 3)Be Entertained! All with your ears!

How often does your jet-speed commute turn into a ‘hurry-up-and-wait’ parking lot? Or an appointment flip-flop into cooling your jets in a waiting room? Then there’s the inevitable rehearsal that went overtime and yada, yada, yada.

What do you do to survive none the worse for wear?

Here’s a simple solution.

Read a book with your ears!

Schann Stewart, Alexie Linn, and Audible have partnered to bring you a brand-new audiobook that’s yours for the asking.

Have you met the players?

Schann Stewart is a voice magician. She sings. She plays all the parts in a story, including the horse and donkey. She entertains.

You’re already getting to know Alexie Linn, the author, quite well.

And Audible? Think Amazon! And Bounty!

How do you score this phenomenal sanity saver?

It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3…

Here’s how to keep your eyes on the prize and read a book with your ears — for free!:

  1. Request a code and snag the book
  2. Listen, learn, and laugh
  3. Post a fast and easy review

What could be faster, simpler, and easier than that?

And here’s today’s featured cozy for your parking lot ‘control something in your life‘ pleasure…

In “The Secrets of the Tainted Trough”, imagine waking up from a nap to see a donkey and a horse peering through the screen door, both desperately thirsty. Would you give them a drink? And then what?

Sally, an energetic 87-year-old woman, faces this exact dilemma. Intrigued by the animals, she decides to investigate why they keep returning to her property. What she discovers shocks her to the core – their water trough is contaminated with a body. But whose body is it? And how did it end up in the water trough?

With no one else around but a goat, chickens and a pup, Sally wonders if the body could be their missing caregiver. As the mystery deepens, she must grapple with the fate of both the animals and the unknown person in the trough.

Join Sally on her thrilling and perplexing journey as she unravels the truth behind this mysterious misadventure.

Prepare to be captivated by the twists and turns in “The Secrets of the Tainted Trough”, a tale filled with suspense, intrigue, and unexpected revelations.

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But wait! There’s more… more… more cozies to read with your ears!

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