Genre — Huh?

Genre – What’s Yours?

There’s genre, and there’s categories. They’re the same but completely different.

Category is who it is written for. Who is the person enjoying your story? Is it an adult or a juvenile? A man or a woman? Is it a child or young adult?

Who is the person reading your book?

Genre is the form, subject matter, or style that it is written in.

Such as:

  • Fiction
    • Action
    • Adventure
    • Mystery
  • Nonfiction
    • How-to
    • History
    • Biography

Then there are subgenres. Two subgenres would be ‘Cozy’ or ‘Erotica’. Both are important for the prospective reader to know before they dole out their hard-earned cash for the story. It goes to the value of the entertainment and your reputation.

A Cozy Mystery is generally light, usually includes a recipe or three, and could be a ‘G’ to ‘PG-14’ rating. They are quick reads that don’t like to be put on hold, but great for a distraction in one’s chaotic life.

Erotica, on the other hand, is rated ‘R’ and into the ‘X’s’.

A reader who is expecting ‘Cozy’ and winds up with ‘Erotica’ probably won’t buy another of your bestsellers.

The same goes for one who is anticipating ‘Erotica’ and finds they have to solve a murder or taste a cake.

I argue the genre issue with each new book I write. Here’s why:

The Joan Freed Life-Changing Mystery/Adventure series is – to me – a cozy mystery and adventure. Heavy on the adventure.

I choose Cozy because there’s no vulgar language or explicit sexual scenes. But there have been readers who questioned my Cozy classification. I can only guess at the reason for the question… namely, not every book contains recipes.

The good news is that I get to choose. I say Cozy because my books are just good clean fun mystery and adventure – with a few life-coaching twists thrown in for good measure. You are welcome to share your thoughts on the subject – in a Cozy manner, please. 😊

My aim is satisfied, repeat readers. Get as close as you can to the genre you choose, but be willing to change if you find out you’re in the wrong pew.  I am.

Happy Genre Choosing,

Alexie Linn

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