Writing is Fun and Easy! Is there More To It?

Writing is the Fun and Easy Part! But Is There More To It?

If my treasured coffee mug wasn’t ‘Joan’s Dazzling Mug’, it would be the ‘I’d Rather Be Writing’ mug.

Writing engulfs, excites, and challenges my brain. The other steps of being a professional in my craft irritates and frustrates me. But it must be done if my creations are to entertain and fill a need in someone else’s life.

What’s the process when the current book has passed its almost final edit? Is it time to succumb to the call of the chaise lounge and bon-bons? Hmm… not quite. There’s still a few chores to complete before I can say ‘finis!’. So, onward with the to-do list of what this indie publisher does just before and when the writing is done…

First, remind yourself that ‘Writing is Fun and Easy’!

  • Share the news that a new read is on the way through social media and your email list (at least 3 times).
  • Final edit and format the manuscript for the intended market (Ebook, print, screen…)
  • Write the description – a long one and a short one.
  • Design and build a cover – I use Canva but there are others to choose from, including hiring others. Ask Google for a million leads.
  • Share the news that a new book is on the way again.
  • Upload to the marketplace(s) – currently Amazon and Draft 2 Digital for me.
  • Post the news that a new book is up and running.
  • Set-up the advertising you choose to get your book in the face of prospective readers – Amazon ‘Sponsored’ for one.
  • Write the narration version for the audiobook, don’t forget the minimum 1-minute to maximum 5-minute retail sample after ‘The End’.

Say again that ‘Writing is Fun and Easy!’

  • Be sure Goodreads has picked it up (set-up your Goodreads account if you haven’t already done so) and set the giveaways to run.
  • Collect the ‘additional categories’ your book should be listed in if Amazon Kindle is one of your marketplaces. I use Publisher Rocket (Competition Analyzer then Unleash the Categories) for this to save myself 62 hours of research headache.
  • Request (in Amazon Author Central) that your book be added to the additional categories you collected. Please be sure the additional categories are applicable to your book.
  • Post your book to the Audiobook service you use to get it narrated. My choice is ACX, but there are others.

One more time… ‘Writing is Fun and Easy!’

  • Post the book and description and purchasing links to your website.
  • Blog about the book.
  • Respond to any comments or requests that arrive.
  • Check your website stats to see what is getting attention through what source and expand on what’s working.
  • Learn more about promoting and selling, including a You Tube book trailer video. Here’s an example.
  • Take a breath… Ahhhh…
  • Start your next book if you haven’t already.

And there ya’ are. Done! Bring on the chaise lounge and bon-bons! I’m pooped.

But remember that ‘Writing is Fun and Easy!’


On that note…

Happy Trails and Tales,

Alexie Linn

P.S.  Free Audiobooks……Free Audiobooks……Free Audiobooks…..

Click here to join our Audible Lovers Cornucopia group. It’s free and where you’ll find links to Free Audibles for your listening and reviewing pleasure.

The easiest way to get updates is to follow this blog and  follow me on Facebook.  New posts should appear on the Alexie Linn page – if I’ve held my mouth right… 😊

BUT! If you only want updates and pre-order deals of new releases of Books, Vellas and Audibles, the easiest way is to follow me on Amazon. When you get an email notice of a new book release, simply ask for it by the title – or for all the Alexie Linn authored titles at your favorite retailer.

And just one more thing. Here’s where to find and follow me on Goodreads. Please do to get in on all that Goodreads has to offer. Goodreads is always at the very best price. It’s FREE!

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