Oops! Did I do that? Website Frenzy Exposed

Oops! Did I do that? Website Frenzy Exposed

Apparently, I did. Because nobody else is responsible for my website. What did I do? Or not do as this case may be…

Your Website is your storefront…

I posted a book with no link to learn more and buy it. Kind of like placing the can of cat’s food in their bowl without opening it – then leaving for two days.

I have lots of excuses – including ‘senior moment’ – but it doesn’t matter. I embarrassed myself and frustrated possible readers by not finishing the business at hand. Maintaining my website.

Your website is your store front.

Your website needs to:

  • Be focused on what you’re selling – as an author, your books are your bells and whistles. Not the attention grabbers that will snag your visitors and pull them off your site.
  • Be attention grabbing without bribes. If you distract your buyers with an abundance of free stuff for signing up, you’ll get sign-ups for the freebies. And that’s it. Setting up and maintaining a mailing list is great. But consider these three things first:
    • The time and energy required to write and put into play the freebies.
    • The time and energy to continually feed your email list posts of more freebies.
    • The time and energy to keep your email list viable. The people who actually want to know about your new book – and will buy it. The number of ‘clickers’ makes all the difference in ranking. Non-clickers must be eliminated for better rankings across the board. There are other ways to keep bona fide readers informed. See the P.S. below for other ways…
  • Be easy to find – Keep your domain name simple, easy to remember, and easy to type into a browser. It should match your author name or something that appears on each and every book you write.
  • Be easy to maintain — Post a book cover; link it to the description page; include the link to BUY NOW. Simple – if you don’t get distracted.
  • Be affordable – I don’t affiliate with even one website provider. The reason? So far, in my tenure as a several websites owner/maintainer/operator, only one gave me the real cost up front of owning/renting the site. And they don’t offer affiliate links. It’s this one… the simplicity of WordPress.com for my simple (?) little AlexieLinnAuthor.com business. Find the real and true cost of a website before you build it just to get a gut punching surprise at every billing cycle.

On that note…

Happy Trails and Tales,

Alexie Linn

P.S.  Free Audiobooks……Free Audiobooks……Free Audiobooks…..

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