How Many is Enough?

How Many is Enough?

How many published books does it take to declare ‘That’s Enough!’?

That depends. What’s your criteria to be met?

Is it …

  • Your pen name being a household word?
  • Selling a certain number of books?
  • Publishing a certain number of books?

Not too long ago, I asked myself, “How many published books will take me over the top so I can relax and sit at the big kid table?”.

I asked Google how many books a few of my pretend mentors have published. Here’s what I found:

  • James Patterson has published more than 200 books, according to Wikipedia. He’s a household word in my book.
  • Erle Stanley Gardner – my all-time favorite pretend mentor – wrote upwards of 150 books, according to Wikipedia.
  • Dianne Harman – my Cozy Mystery pretend mentor – has published 153+. She’s a household word in my head.
  • John Grisham has published at least 31. Huh?

How many books have I published? About 35. John Grisham, what’s your secret?

Is my pen name a household word? Yes! In a select few superb households.

How many books have I sold? I don’t know. If I’m counting how many books I’ve sold, I’m not writing the one that will put me over the top.

How much promoting do I do? What? I have to promote?

Because if I’m promoting, I’m not writing the one that will put me over the top.

Is that the answer to ‘You know you’re a writer when…..’? When I’m writing the one that will move my name to the big kids’ table takes precedence over sales?

But how will I know I’ve done it if I’m still swimming in a fine kettle of fish?

So, back to the original question…

How many is enough?

For me, it’s when I say it is.

Where’s my pencil and paper…

Happy Trails and Tales

Alexie Linn

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