Guess Who Crashed Dinner… For a Free Book…

Guess Who Crashed Dinner for a free book!

Yesterday morning I rolled out of bed and promptly added my flannel shirt, thermal undies, and cozy socks before even considering making coffee.

This morning I rolled out of bed and added nothing to my lightweight nighty. Why? Because it was still 74° in my tiny house at 2 am!

Did you guess who crashed dinner for a free book?

If you guessed good old dependable Sol, you are correct! What did you win? A free e book or paperback review copy of Book 6 in the Sally the Loner Series.

What else do you have to do to get the book?

Follow my blog on and Email me your address of where to ship or cyber-send your book and whether you want a large print paperback or e book when it makes its debut in the next few weeks. It’s that simple.

Why am I doing this?

Besides what else can you do when it’s 98° in the shade on April 10, 2023, it’s one step in the launch process of publication.

One step in several, depending on how focused you are on sales and promotion.

This particular publication process started with the pre order sale on Amazon. You can receive all pre-publication sale notices by following me, Alexie Linn, on Amazon.

The launch of the pre-order sale commits me to a stop editing, start formatting timeline to get the completed manuscript uploaded. And it’s free advertising for us writers. Why the heck wouldn’t I do that first?

After the final edits and gazillion formats are finished, I upload the manuscript to Amazon. Then move on to D2D to supply all the other favorite retailers and library services with the story.

The final step is to add the book and more details to my website then share it to social media.

And that’s where Guess Who Crashed Dinner For a Free Book barges in…

From my Alexie Linn Author website, I can spread the word even further.

But why will I give you, on my dollar, a chance to read about Sally’s latest mysterious misadventure? I want to know what you, my peer, liked (or didn’t like) about the story, including the cover.

And, in case you missed the memo, Sally the Loner is an 87-year-old spunky woman who lives in an igloo in the desert. Things just happen to Sally.

All she really wants is to be in control of her own daily life. But is she?

In Book 6, The Sourdough Bakeoff, Sally gets roped into being the named contestant for Bobby, the sourdough kid. As with any good cozy mystery, bodies appear. And a slew of good – and not so good – characters throw wrenches – or is it sourdough — into the contest.

Learn more about The Sourdough Bakeoff here.

But if sourdough is not your thing… see all the Sally the Loner Series titles here.

There are several links to follow Alexie Linn listed below. Opt in to never miss out on what she’s up to in the publishing world.

Your like and share clicks are greatly appreciated. Yet another reason to give you a free quality read.

Happy Publishing,

Alexie Linn, et al

P.S.  Free Audiobooks……Free Audiobooks……Free Audiobooks…..

Click here to join our Audible Lovers Cornucopia group. It’s free and where you’ll find links to Free Audibles for your listening and reviewing pleasure.

The easiest way to get updates is to follow this blog and  follow me on Facebook.  New posts should appear on the Alexie Linn page – if I’ve held my mouth right… 😊

BUT! If you only want updates and pre-order deals of new releases of Books, Vellas and Audibles, the easiest way is to follow me on Amazon. When you get an email notice of a new book release, simply ask for it by the title – or for all the Alexie Linn authored titles at your favorite retailer.

Subscribe to my You Tube Channelto not miss a fun and entertaining Book Trailer. They’re short. They’re mesmerizing. And they won’t waste your time.

And just one more thing. Here’s where to find and follow me on Goodreads. Please do to get in on all that Goodreads has to offer. Goodreads is always at the very best price. It’s FREE!

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