It’s 99¢ Story Day!

>99-cent Story Day! <

The Personal Transformation of Queenie

A memorable life-changing cozy mystery and adventure…

Two women lay sprawled in front of my truck.  They are very dead.  Queenie sits like a statue on the passenger side of my vintage Chevy pick-up looking like the circus fat lady that she thinks she is – but she’s not laughing.  I am on sabbatical in the Kaibab National Forest, feeding my own free spirit with life changing time by myself, much needed and anticipated after my last exhausting coaching case. 

I know none of these women, but the two dead ones seem to have known me because they have magically materialized near each of my camps for a couple of seasons now.  I met Queenie last evening and was simply lending a hand – or, in this case my truck and nutritional expertise – to a woman in temporary need.  Our less than 24-hour kinship was an uncomplicated ‘women helping women’ moment – I thought.

While this could be a wearisome story of murder and mayhem, it isn’t.  It’s the story of how one woman’s life changing personal transformation had a ripple effect in solving a cold case and enriching personal growth.

Who am I, you ask?  I am Joan Freed, the rebel life coach and nutritional therapist.  You’ve never heard of me?  That’s okay.  I keep a low profile intentionally.

My office is wherever my 19′ Wilderness RV is parked – which is never in an RV park if I can help it.

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