You’re Running Out of Inspiration? Here’s How to Get a Refill.

If you’re Running out of inspiration, here’s how to get a quick and easy refill.

The Symptoms of Inspiration Leaking

You feel it. You hear the tire slowly deflating but you don’t have a spare to yank out, crank on and get on down the road. That’s the miserable sound of inspiration oozing. It is warning you to stop overworking it and take action to keep your prose running smoothly.

Then there’s the inspiration leaking characters

Does it feel like your characters act like they’re all taking a long winter’s nap at the same moment. But it’s not winter! How will you wake them up? More inspiration oozing.

Here’s how to stop the outflow.

First, identify what’s causing the inspiration to drain.

Where’s the leak? Is it:

  • Lazy writing – it just lays there, refusing to dance
  • No interaction – Needs outside input
  • Mind-boggle – Too many distractions or demands to focus on your character’s needs

It is NOT Writer’s Block!

There are those that label the malady Writer’s Block. But blockage requires enemas. And, sometimes, trips to the hospital. On top of that, blockage requires lots of manual labor to get through, around, or over.

These are all negative factors in a productive life. In my opinion, that is.

But stop! Don’t make it harder than it is. I’m all about DIY positive fixes if it’s at all possible.

And here’s 6 ways of how to tell the inspiration attendant to fill-er-up.


Jot down, read, and repeat a mini mantra that goes something like this:

‘I am driven to write lively, entertaining prose from quirky, memorable characters. I listen to the characters. I hear the characters. I encourage their individuality to take over the story’.

Make it as long or short as you like. And in your words.

Just say what you want to do. And blame it all on the characters.

What-if game changer

Play the ‘What-if’ game with your characters.

What-if Superman came flying overhead and crash-landed in your pool? Would that be a topic of conversation? Do ya’ think?

Sally the Loner plays this game all the time. And what characters she meets up with! Even a kidnapping Big-foot and a man-size doll that worries about his designer shoes.

It’s fiction. Anything can happen. Encourage it. There’s always editing if its superfluous.

Throw a wrench into the works with a new character

If Superman crash-landing in your pool isn’t a wrench with a memorable personality, I don’t know what is. Do you?

Read the headlines

A few minutes ago, when inspiration to write this piece was deflating, a headline caught my eye.

It was about a solar powered water desalination plant that might fit right into the Second Chance Ranch scenario. The ranch that might become a spin-off of the Sally the Loner series.

What headline can wake up at least one of your characters?

Grab an inspirational quote

Is one of your characters a wise old guru? Will an inspirational quote fit right in to your dedication for the story? And fill up your inspiration tank at the same time?

Here’s one I like…

“Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey.”
 Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

If all else fails

Give the problem to an AI (artificial intelligence) app. That action and result is sure to get you throwing down the gauntlet to beat it at its own game. Isn’t it?

Refill Your Inspiration Summary

When you find yourself leaking inspiration, take action to plug the leak, refill the tank and get typing again.


  • Self-talk
  • What-if game
  • A new character or event
  • Read the headlines
  • An inspirational quote
  • Artificial intelligence

to the test. And run with it.

Running out of inspiration is just that. Your tank (or tire) is frightfully low. You can make it to the air pump if you act fast. Before it fizzles to flat or that last fume is gone.

Are you re-inspired yet? Keep filling until you are. You can do it.


P.S. Grab a look-see at Sally the Loner. She’s an inspiration in her own right… or is it write?

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