Deadly Cozy

Deadly Cozy – Just for you and yours… Muahahahaha…

The first time Sally stepped away from the house only to be chased back into the house by a crazed orange tabby cat was memorable. Memorable because, to hear her tell it, Sally has no pets.

She called the cat Spaghettio owing to its resemblance to a plate full of the popular canned pasta rings covered in that orangey-red sauce. For levity she labeled the cat a guy trying to dominate her activities.

But where did he come from? Why is he so determined to keep her a prisoner in her own house?

Between her mankin, Rodney’s, calamitous misadventures with his new bionic arm and the wheelchair and the berserk visiting cat, Sally’s got her hands full. Can she solve the insane cat mystery and save Rodney from his new arm?

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