The Mystery of the Cozy Bargain Bin

Yep. It’s a mystery.

I had a Cozy Bargain Bin all set up to share with you. But, like the entire month of April, it has vanished. I can only hope it’s gathering more and more Cozy Bargains for you on its adventure.

So, while the search for that elusive bin continues, I have two works-in-progress to tell you about:

  • The Procrastinator’s Planning Calendar. It won’t overwhelm you with chores and includes a daily tidbit to ponder procrastination with.  I am procrastinating on designing the cover and finishing it. Any cover ideas you’d like to share?
  • The Planet Ziggy Expedition: Will the Mystery of the Phoenix Lights be Solved? Gordy Gordon is a shapeshifting alien who lands on Sally’s igloo roof. He has a plan to get help finding the lost love of his life and retrain two of Sally’s marauders for a life outside of crime. Or does he have a different agenda?

While I scratch my head over these next two books of the Sally the Loner series, here’s some cozies and mysteries you might like to get lost in…

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