Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!

Got Your Ears On? Here’s how to 1)Save Money! 2)Learn! 3)Be Entertained! All with your ears! How often does your jet-speed commute turn into a ‘hurry-up-and-wait’ parking lot? Or an appointment flip-flop into cooling your jets in a waiting room? Then there’s the inevitable rehearsal that went overtime and yada, yada, yada. What do youContinue reading “Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!”

The Quest for Identity: Adventures of Fictional Figures

Speak up Characters! – What Happens Next? It’s not the infamous writer’s block. Neither is it brain-burnout or a blank page staring back at me. It’s simply a control issue. When the conversation doesn’t come bubbling out or the scene is flat and boring, I blame the characters. But the real problem is me. I’mContinue reading “The Quest for Identity: Adventures of Fictional Figures”

7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books

7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books If I knew then what I know now about writing for readers, would I have taken the leap? How do you answer the question, “What don’t you know?” With those two questions out of the way, let’s get right to today’s lesson… Lesson #1 — I’m Not theContinue reading “7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books”

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author Does this happen to you? It happens to me. Each time I decide what I want to be when I grow up, a picture comes into my head. The picture invariably is of me (and my team) with the shiny finished product with throngs of people lined upContinue reading “Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author”

Here’s 7 Things You Don’t Know About Alexie Linn Books…

7 Things You Don’t Know About Alexie Linn Books… Or do you? After about 40 books and a few years, Alexie Linn has her own special routine of idiosyncrasies to produce a quality read. Relatively fast and easy… so to speak. When she was puzzling out her own quirks, she wondered how much do youContinue reading “Here’s 7 Things You Don’t Know About Alexie Linn Books…”

10 Words Never Used

10 Words Never Used in Alexie Linn Books Words are the verbal windows to the world. And I am an extremely literal person. One would think I have to use each and every word in the dictionary to tell the story precisely. But I don’t. Why not? There are several reasons I don’t use everyContinue reading “10 Words Never Used”

Sally’s Character Secrets – Revealed!

Sally’s Character Secrets – Revealed! Why didn’t I know about Sally’s character secrets? I’m her creator, for crying out loud! Because, while she came into being through my imagination, I don’t direct her every thought or move. Although I do have to crack the whip to tame her now and again. Once a character hasContinue reading “Sally’s Character Secrets – Revealed!”

Profanity in Your Prose – Character Builder? Or Cop-Out?

Profanity in Your Prose – Character Builder? Or Cop-Out? Do trash-mouthed characters move a story forward? In what way? What do we learn (or teach) from people who seem unable to make a statement or tell a story without vulgarities spewed throughout? But a tale told without antagonists to spark action is boring to sayContinue reading “Profanity in Your Prose – Character Builder? Or Cop-Out?”