Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!

Got Your Ears On? Here’s how to 1)Save Money! 2)Learn! 3)Be Entertained! All with your ears! How often does your jet-speed commute turn into a ‘hurry-up-and-wait’ parking lot? Or an appointment flip-flop into cooling your jets in a waiting room? Then there’s the inevitable rehearsal that went overtime and yada, yada, yada. What do youContinue reading “Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!”

Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors!

Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors! What if the author of the book you just read and yourself met at a crossroads. You have 1-minute to say what you think of the story you just read. What would you say to the author about the story? Would you say: Or (heavenContinue reading “Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors!”

Attention Cozy Mystery Readers! It’s Weird!

Attention Cozy Mystery Readers! It’s Weird! But sure to be a Hoot! Give Alexie a piece of your mind! Have you always wanted to tell a cozy mystery author a better way to handle a situation? Can you take about a minute to select your choice to help plot the story? Your feedback will directlyContinue reading “Attention Cozy Mystery Readers! It’s Weird!”

Your Opinion is Important! #10 — The Final Question

This is the story that you, the readers built. Here’s the description and the 10th question to cast your vote on: Description: In “Sally’s Horse and Donkey Show”, imagine coming home to find a horse and donkey in your backyard, both desperately thirsty. Would you give them a drink? And then what? Sally, an energeticContinue reading “Your Opinion is Important! #10 — The Final Question”

Your Opinion is Important! #1

Here’s the book description that you’re plotting for: In “Sally’s Horse and Donkey Show”, imagine coming home to find a horse and donkey in your backyard, both desperately thirsty. Would you give them a drink? And then what? Sally, an energetic 87-year-old woman, faces this exact dilemma. Intrigued by the animals, she decides to investigateContinue reading “Your Opinion is Important! #1”

What AI Can Teach You About Writing…

I’ll Say it Again. What AI Can Teach You About Writing Do you fear AI or embrace it? What is there to fear? What is there to embrace? First, What the heck is AI? AI, in case you missed the memo, is Artificial Intelligence. It’s computer programs that are written (coded) by human beings. ItsContinue reading “What AI Can Teach You About Writing…”

Can AI Write Your Book?

Can AI Write Your Book? I confess! I tried it! I gave collaborating with AI (Artificial Intelligence) a test run. I named her Beulah. Here’s what happened: Beulah asked me for a topic. I told her to solve an old mystery with three ghosts with three women and two men. She thought a bit. ThenContinue reading “Can AI Write Your Book?”