Book Cover Design: Convey Emotions with Size, Colors, Subject Matter, and Fonts

Can you Tell a Book By its Cover? Yes, you can. The important stuff, anyway. You can tell it things like: If you can’t tell a book those things by its cover, the cover has missed the mark. The cover to your book is the full-page ad you’ve signed up for. Why not make itContinue reading “Book Cover Design: Convey Emotions with Size, Colors, Subject Matter, and Fonts”

Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!

Got Your Ears On? Here’s how to 1)Save Money! 2)Learn! 3)Be Entertained! All with your ears! How often does your jet-speed commute turn into a ‘hurry-up-and-wait’ parking lot? Or an appointment flip-flop into cooling your jets in a waiting room? Then there’s the inevitable rehearsal that went overtime and yada, yada, yada. What do youContinue reading “Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!”

The Mystery of the Cozy Bargain Bin

Yep. It’s a mystery. I had a Cozy Bargain Bin all set up to share with you. But, like the entire month of April, it has vanished. I can only hope it’s gathering more and more Cozy Bargains for you on its adventure. So, while the search for that elusive bin continues, I have twoContinue reading “The Mystery of the Cozy Bargain Bin”

4 Literary Launchpads: 3-2-1… Fire!

Literary Launchpads: 3-2-1… Fire! You’ve come so very far. You’ve chosen indie as your publication platform rather than traditional printing houses. Your manuscript is cooling for its final edits before the launch. But how and where will you launch from? FYI: The bedroom closet is not a launchpad. Neither is the desk drawer or yourContinue reading “4 Literary Launchpads: 3-2-1… Fire!”

How to Write and Publish Your Book in a Month – or Less

How to Write and Publish Your Book in a Month – or Less Did I fall and bump my head? Doesn’t it take months and years to finally sniff the ink and feel the pages of your baby? It can. But it doesn’t have to. You hold the keys to that brand new car. ThatContinue reading “How to Write and Publish Your Book in a Month – or Less”

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author Does this happen to you? It happens to me. Each time I decide what I want to be when I grow up, a picture comes into my head. The picture invariably is of me (and my team) with the shiny finished product with throngs of people lined upContinue reading “Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author”

Guess Who Crashed Dinner… For a Free Book…

Guess Who Crashed Dinner for a free book! Yesterday morning I rolled out of bed and promptly added my flannel shirt, thermal undies, and cozy socks before even considering making coffee. This morning I rolled out of bed and added nothing to my lightweight nighty. Why? Because it was still 74° in my tiny houseContinue reading “Guess Who Crashed Dinner… For a Free Book…”

How-To Train a New Computer

How-to Train a New Computer. Ugh! Do you dread changing your phone and computer? Do you think you have better things to do than to crack the whip on yet another electronic device? Me, too. That’s why step one is written in stone. Here it is, chiseled out on my new laptop… Step One –Continue reading “How-To Train a New Computer”