Mary Linn, Gravestone Hunter — Book 1

Mary Linn, Gravestone Hunter, Book 1

The Story Behind the Story

Paperback, E Book, and Audible

I’m very good at being invisible. We moved so often that I’m also very good at entertaining myself – not a social butterfly. But I usually could connect with one person at a new school that would grow into a long-term friendship.

So often that connection was with the outcast. The one who was ridiculed, picked on, or snubbed. And that’s how this story came to be.

Enjoy the journeys of Mary Linn, Gravestone Hunter. I enjoyed writing them.

Mary Linn, Gravestone Hunter, Book 1

Here’s the skinny on Mary Linn, Gravestone Hunter… in less than a minute

Here’s the skinny in less than a minute….

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Dear Readers,

Are you ready for an adventure that gives back, beginning now?  Read on…

Mary Linn Hassenpfeffer is a 15-year old girl whose destiny is to empower bully victims when she grows up. But when her mother becomes the target, she powers-up her bravery to explode their scheme and spark her plan into immediate action.

Mary Linn, Gravestone Hunter is a cozy mystery (includes recipes) that portrays the sojourn of one 15-year-old girl with a mission.  Her mission is two-fold:  1.) Crush bullying and 2.) Photograph gravestones for family posterity.  Who could have guessed that her missions would collide?

Her journey is charged with bullying in diverse forms—even murder.  But Mary Linn’s revenge is not hand-to-hand combat or to become a cracker-jack sniper.  Can her plan ignite you to take action in your own neighborhood?

Yours Truly,

Alexie Linn

P.S.  In case you wondered… Picture Nancy Drew and Jessica Fletcher with a cell phone and a laptop.  If you take pleasure in them, you’ll delight in Mary Linn Hassenpfeffer’s capers. 

**A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step…Proverb**

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