A Joan Freed Life-Changing Mystery/Adventure — Volume 10

Book 10 — Ruby the Haunted

The Story Behind the Story

Joan Freed Book 10
Paperback and E book

Two passions built the characters who wrote this book.

One is equality. I don’t care if you are black, white, yellow, red, or purple. We meet on equal ground. Attitude takes it from there.

The other is respect. Like ‘innocent until proven guilty’, each of us deserves respect until behavior proves you don’t.

I’ll put my soapbox away before I have to add a podium and a gavel. But there’s one more piece to this story.

It’s awe. That overwhelming feeling of wonder and amazement at how things work. Take twins and multiples of…

My father-in-law is/was a twin. I have twin nieces. Learning about twins was another life experience for me that left me in reverence of how life works. And, yes, the experience found its way into this book as blonde-haired Ruby.

My characters have to be memorable. Their situations have to be in the realm of ‘it could happen’, and many did.

I have to be passionate about what they’re slogging through. I’m thinking that this series is how I work my challenges out and keep going. What do you think?

Volume 10 – Ruby the Haunted

What would you do if a spooky young woman is creeping out all your prospective buyers, spiriting them away? But her only sin is her determination to satisfy the spirit that’s jerking her around. Her eerie looks make matters worse.

Big, beautiful, flaming red-haired Madeline, the ranch sales agent, was faced with Ruby, the spooky young woman. Ruby is going to cost Madeline her job if she doesn’t get her removed. Here’s what Madeline did…

She texted Joan, the rebel life coach, with ‘HELP!’. ‘Pack your mightiest ghost-busting gear and COME NOW!’

Joan, Jenny (Joan’s sometimes sidekick who doesn’t go anywhere without her six-shooter), and Patches (the rescued polka-dot chihuahua), high-tail it to Deming, New Mexico just in time. That is, just in time to sharpen their cloak-and-dagger skills, attempt to outsmart the political mob world, and be faced with Jenny’s old nemesis once again.

Whose body is it this time? There’s so many to choose from…

Can Joan and Jenny pull this one off? Or will the bad guys win? Or both?

If you like Nomadland, Jessica Fletcher, Columbo, and Hetty Wainthrop, you’ll love Ruby, The Haunted — this Joan Freed Life-Changing Mystery/Adventure.

Available in Paperback and Audible from Amazon.com

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