True Secret Shopper Diaries

The Story Behind the Story

Paperback and E-Book

I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of work from home schemes with so many gazillions… to be disheartened, frustrated, and downright mad at the rip-offs. But still I was determined to find the one that was real and doable.

The world of secret shoppers was real. I could make money, take my kids with me, and finish up the job at home. But there were many flies in the ointment that people needed to know about to be successful.

I wrote this book to educate you, the potential secret shopper.

True Secret Shopper Diaries — Have you ever pictured your life as a secret shopper?  Do you share my old attitude of ‘that’s a job for a bored homemaker’s pin money’ or ‘that’s all a scam’?

Surprise!  It’s neither – if you know how to play your cards right.

True Secret Shopper Diaries is a tell all book that paints a picture in words of what a secret shopper actually does; where one has to live; what special tools and skills are required; how to make more than pin money shopping; and answers the question, “Just how old is this profession?”.

Armed with this quick read, you can paint yourself into the picture and decide whether to make mystery shopping the next step to promote your own plucky new life.  I am armed.  I may do this – because I have and I now know I can.

Available in Paperback and from

And in E book at your favorite retailer by clicking here.

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