The Skinny on Sourdough

The Story Behind the Story

Paperback, E-Book, and Audible

When I landed in the outback in Alaska and made more bricks than bread at the old homestead we lived on, I got curious about sourdough. If I could get yeast at all, it was too often past its prime.

The romance with sourdough has only become stronger over the years.

As the years and sourdough starters passed, I still baked a few bricks as well as yummy bread. My quest was for yummy bread and no more bricks!

And that’s the simple story of why The Skinny on Sourdough was written.

The Skinny On Sourdough — Nope! Guess again. This is not a book of recipes for sourdough. Neither is it a book on a new fad diet. It is, instead, a book about sourdough – what it is, who it’s for, where it lives, how to create it, when it was discovered, and why we need it. It does include a sprinkling of recipes to get you through the gate of the vast and confusing world of sourdough.

It’s an education on flour and water paste, yeast, time, temperature, humidity and environment. It’s a tool to simplify your life and help you sort through the myriad of information to get the culture you want according to what you want to do with it. Want a sprinkling of sourdough yarns? Here they are…

Do you want quick, easy, healthy, and yummy bread products? Go with simple wild yeast sourdough. Do you want to start a club? Here’s how to grow big and share. Do you want to set it and forget it? Here’s how….

This is The Skinny on Sourdough….

Available in Paperback and Audible from

And in E book at your favorite retailer by clicking here.

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