Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!

Got Your Ears On? Here’s how to 1)Save Money! 2)Learn! 3)Be Entertained! All with your ears! How often does your jet-speed commute turn into a ‘hurry-up-and-wait’ parking lot? Or an appointment flip-flop into cooling your jets in a waiting room? Then there’s the inevitable rehearsal that went overtime and yada, yada, yada. What do youContinue reading “Audiobook Review: Save Money, Learn and Be Entertained with Your Ears!”

Spring into the Cozies!

Spring into the Cozies! Here’s NEWS your wallet won’t want to miss… There’s a new way to buy Sally the Loner eBooks in town that could knock your socks off. It will save you, at the very least, a buck a book! It’s fast. It’s easy. And you’ll love it! It’s spring, but it’s stillContinue reading “Spring into the Cozies!”

The Quest for Identity: Adventures of Fictional Figures

Speak up Characters! – What Happens Next? It’s not the infamous writer’s block. Neither is it brain-burnout or a blank page staring back at me. It’s simply a control issue. When the conversation doesn’t come bubbling out or the scene is flat and boring, I blame the characters. But the real problem is me. I’mContinue reading “The Quest for Identity: Adventures of Fictional Figures”

Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience?

Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience? I say teeny bopper because the powers-that-be can’t decide the age group of young adults. Some say a young adult is 18-25 years old. Others identify a young adult as 12-18 years old. I choose the term teeny bopper toContinue reading “Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience?”

7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books

7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books If I knew then what I know now about writing for readers, would I have taken the leap? How do you answer the question, “What don’t you know?” With those two questions out of the way, let’s get right to today’s lesson… Lesson #1 — I’m Not theContinue reading “7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books”

You’re Running Out of Inspiration? Here’s How to Get a Refill.

If you’re Running out of inspiration, here’s how to get a quick and easy refill. The Symptoms of Inspiration Leaking You feel it. You hear the tire slowly deflating but you don’t have a spare to yank out, crank on and get on down the road. That’s the miserable sound of inspiration oozing. It isContinue reading “You’re Running Out of Inspiration? Here’s How to Get a Refill.”

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author Does this happen to you? It happens to me. Each time I decide what I want to be when I grow up, a picture comes into my head. The picture invariably is of me (and my team) with the shiny finished product with throngs of people lined upContinue reading “Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author”

10 Words Never Used

10 Words Never Used in Alexie Linn Books Words are the verbal windows to the world. And I am an extremely literal person. One would think I have to use each and every word in the dictionary to tell the story precisely. But I don’t. Why not? There are several reasons I don’t use everyContinue reading “10 Words Never Used”

Sally’s Character Secrets – Revealed!

Sally’s Character Secrets – Revealed! Why didn’t I know about Sally’s character secrets? I’m her creator, for crying out loud! Because, while she came into being through my imagination, I don’t direct her every thought or move. Although I do have to crack the whip to tame her now and again. Once a character hasContinue reading “Sally’s Character Secrets – Revealed!”

Profanity in Your Prose – Character Builder? Or Cop-Out?

Profanity in Your Prose – Character Builder? Or Cop-Out? Do trash-mouthed characters move a story forward? In what way? What do we learn (or teach) from people who seem unable to make a statement or tell a story without vulgarities spewed throughout? But a tale told without antagonists to spark action is boring to sayContinue reading “Profanity in Your Prose – Character Builder? Or Cop-Out?”