The Mystery of the Cozy Bargain Bin

Yep. It’s a mystery. I had a Cozy Bargain Bin all set up to share with you. But, like the entire month of April, it has vanished. I can only hope it’s gathering more and more Cozy Bargains for you on its adventure. So, while the search for that elusive bin continues, I have twoContinue reading “The Mystery of the Cozy Bargain Bin”

Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience?

Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience? I say teeny bopper because the powers-that-be can’t decide the age group of young adults. Some say a young adult is 18-25 years old. Others identify a young adult as 12-18 years old. I choose the term teeny bopper toContinue reading “Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience?”

Shapeshifting Phenomenal Characters – Part 2

Shapeshifting Characters – Part 2 Often a character will reinvent themselves along the way. What I thought was a kohlrabi will morph into an ear of corn – slim with silky hair. I’ve even had them change from blonde pale-skin to a dyed blonde black-skin. I have learned to let them shift, nestle into themselves,Continue reading “Shapeshifting Phenomenal Characters – Part 2”