Book Cover Design: Convey Emotions with Size, Colors, Subject Matter, and Fonts

Can you Tell a Book By its Cover? Yes, you can. The important stuff, anyway. You can tell it things like: If you can’t tell a book those things by its cover, the cover has missed the mark. The cover to your book is the full-page ad you’ve signed up for. Why not make itContinue reading “Book Cover Design: Convey Emotions with Size, Colors, Subject Matter, and Fonts”

The Mystery of the Cozy Bargain Bin

Yep. It’s a mystery. I had a Cozy Bargain Bin all set up to share with you. But, like the entire month of April, it has vanished. I can only hope it’s gathering more and more Cozy Bargains for you on its adventure. So, while the search for that elusive bin continues, I have twoContinue reading “The Mystery of the Cozy Bargain Bin”

The Quest for Identity: Adventures of Fictional Figures

Speak up Characters! – What Happens Next? It’s not the infamous writer’s block. Neither is it brain-burnout or a blank page staring back at me. It’s simply a control issue. When the conversation doesn’t come bubbling out or the scene is flat and boring, I blame the characters. But the real problem is me. I’mContinue reading “The Quest for Identity: Adventures of Fictional Figures”

4 Literary Launchpads: 3-2-1… Fire!

Literary Launchpads: 3-2-1… Fire! You’ve come so very far. You’ve chosen indie as your publication platform rather than traditional printing houses. Your manuscript is cooling for its final edits before the launch. But how and where will you launch from? FYI: The bedroom closet is not a launchpad. Neither is the desk drawer or yourContinue reading “4 Literary Launchpads: 3-2-1… Fire!”

It’s a Cozy Mashup

Family friendly… For young and old… Something for everybody… Including a single question poll. I need your input. What would you do if you were visiting a cemetery and found a grave marker with your missing father’s name on it… from about a hundred years ago? Mary Linn and Valinda are off and running againContinue reading “It’s a Cozy Mashup”

It’s a Cozy Mashup

Family friendly… For young and old… Something for everybody… Including a single question poll. I need your input. What would you do if you were visiting a cemetery and found a grave marker with your missing father’s name on it… from about a hundred years ago? Mary Linn and Valinda are off and running againContinue reading “It’s a Cozy Mashup”

Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors!

Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors! What if the author of the book you just read and yourself met at a crossroads. You have 1-minute to say what you think of the story you just read. What would you say to the author about the story? Would you say: Or (heavenContinue reading “Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors!”

How to Write and Publish Your Book in a Month – or Less

How to Write and Publish Your Book in a Month – or Less Did I fall and bump my head? Doesn’t it take months and years to finally sniff the ink and feel the pages of your baby? It can. But it doesn’t have to. You hold the keys to that brand new car. ThatContinue reading “How to Write and Publish Your Book in a Month – or Less”

7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books

7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books If I knew then what I know now about writing for readers, would I have taken the leap? How do you answer the question, “What don’t you know?” With those two questions out of the way, let’s get right to today’s lesson… Lesson #1 — I’m Not theContinue reading “7 Lessons I Learned from Writing Books”

You’re Running Out of Inspiration? Here’s How to Get a Refill.

If you’re Running out of inspiration, here’s how to get a quick and easy refill. The Symptoms of Inspiration Leaking You feel it. You hear the tire slowly deflating but you don’t have a spare to yank out, crank on and get on down the road. That’s the miserable sound of inspiration oozing. It isContinue reading “You’re Running Out of Inspiration? Here’s How to Get a Refill.”