A Joan Freed Life-Changing Mystery/Adventure — Volume 9

Book 9 — The Vintage Trailer

The Story Behind the Story

Joan Freed Book 9
Paperback, E book, and Audible

I’ve owned, lived in, done swap meet business out of, and revamped probably a dozen ‘mature’ RVs. And besides the “What was I thinking?” question that runs through my head almost daily, I’m curious about each one’s history. Who bought it new? Where has it been? Was it a home? Whose personalities do these walls hold? What treasure will I find?

One such trailer became Jenny’s (Joan’s sidekick) trailer. It had only one major surprise… the bed was being held up by a stack of lumber in the center. But when Joan and Jenny tear into it, it’s a whole nother batch of surprises.

Another of the ‘mature’ RV’s that did time with me when I bailed a friend out of a jam became the safe haven and new life for big, beautiful Madeline. She, as with another of my friends, was escaping from an extreme narcissist’s reach.

My characters have to be memorable. Their situations have to be in the realm of ‘it could happen’, and maybe it really did.

I have to be passionate about fixing what they’re going through. I’m thinking that this series is how I work my challenges out and keep going. What do you think? And what’s next on my agenda?

Volume 9 – The Vintage Trailer

The good news is what Joan and Jenny didn’t find when they tore into Jenny’s vintage Scotty for a makeover.

But what they discovered in the false walls, the too short floor space, and secured to the underside of drawers more than made up for the lack of cadavers that most cozy mysteries require.

Add to the adventure a kidnapping rescue, a big, beautiful red-headed narcissist magnet, and a smooth-talking cad that’s got his eye on Jenny. Mix it up and you have a passel of edge of your seat life-changing mysteries to solve before you can close the book.

How many ghosts can live in a 40-year-old, 16-foot-long RV?

Available in Paperback and Audible from Amazon.com

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