Last Minute Gifts to Fulfill Your List

Last Minute Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Did it happen again? Here you are… the clock is ticking… you need gifts that will entertain, encourage, and teach… in an hour?  Yikes!

Take a breath. It will be fine. Your people will know that you searched and searched and then nailed it just for them. They’ll never know that you simplified and saved your sanity (shhh — if you don’t tell them).

Sit back. Relax. And let your fingers do the shopping with these fast and easy grabs.

Gander through… Click it… Voila! Phew!

For the little ones 4-6 years old:

scarecrow the series
The Scarecrow Series is available in eBook, Print, and Audible

Got teens? Here you are… Available in eBook, Print, and Audible

Siblings? Check these out:

Joan Freed Life-Changing Mystery and Adventure Series is available in eBook, Print, and Audible

Parents and grands and neighbors and the postman? These will tickle them:

Get it in eBook, Print and in Audible
In eBook and Print! Large Print!
In eBook and Print… Large Print!

To coin a phrase…

The cost for your sanity? Priceless!

Read to the end for your gift… the freebies…

Have a great one… whatever it is you’re celebrating.

Happy Trails and Tales from Alexie Linn, Aaralyn Rae and friends

But wait! You might also like…

A teenager who enjoys graveyards? What’s up with that?

A quirky teenager’s mysterious adventures.

Alexie Linn is intrigued by Mary Linn’s hobby. What moves a teenager to scout graveyards for other’s lost ancestors? Is she a ghoul? A vampire? A witch in a secret coven? What is she really in search of? Blood? Ghosts? Magic? Or is it her own bloodline? Her father’s secret past that Joan has mentioned? Or is graveyard hunting simply Mary Linn’s way of escaping from the trials and tribulations of being a teenager? So many options…

And check out these FREEBIES!

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