Spring into the Cozies!

Spring into the Cozies! Here’s NEWS your wallet won’t want to miss… There’s a new way to buy Sally the Loner eBooks in town that could knock your socks off. It will save you, at the very least, a buck a book! It’s fast. It’s easy. And you’ll love it! It’s spring, but it’s stillContinue reading “Spring into the Cozies!”

It’s a Cozy Mashup

Family friendly… For young and old… Something for everybody… Including a single question poll. I need your input. What would you do if you were visiting a cemetery and found a grave marker with your missing father’s name on it… from about a hundred years ago? Mary Linn and Valinda are off and running againContinue reading “It’s a Cozy Mashup”

It’s a Cozy Mashup

Family friendly… For young and old… Something for everybody… Including a single question poll. I need your input. What would you do if you were visiting a cemetery and found a grave marker with your missing father’s name on it… from about a hundred years ago? Mary Linn and Valinda are off and running againContinue reading “It’s a Cozy Mashup”

Giveaway and Review and More…

February 8, 2024 It’s a Giveaway and Review and More Extravaganza! Imagine waking up from a nap to see a donkey and a horse peering through the screen door, both desperately thirsty. Would you give them a drink? And then what? Sally, an energetic 87-year-old woman, faces this exact dilemma. Intrigued by the animals, sheContinue reading “Giveaway and Review and More…”

Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience?

Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience? I say teeny bopper because the powers-that-be can’t decide the age group of young adults. Some say a young adult is 18-25 years old. Others identify a young adult as 12-18 years old. I choose the term teeny bopper toContinue reading “Attention Parents of Youngsters – Is Choosing Books for Your Teeny Bopper a Frightful Experience?”

Last Minute Gifts to Fulfill Your List

Last Minute Gifts for Everyone on Your List Did it happen again? Here you are… the clock is ticking… you need gifts that will entertain, encourage, and teach… in an hour?  Yikes! Take a breath. It will be fine. Your people will know that you searched and searched and then nailed it just for them.Continue reading “Last Minute Gifts to Fulfill Your List”

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author Does this happen to you? It happens to me. Each time I decide what I want to be when I grow up, a picture comes into my head. The picture invariably is of me (and my team) with the shiny finished product with throngs of people lined upContinue reading “Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author”

Scarecrow Invents Bully-Stones

Scarecrow invents bully-stones… How this story came to be… Having to enter at least 12 new schools in 12 new neighborhoods, I remember the bullies the most and feared them daily… Until I invented by own make-believe ray gun and disintegrated them. I fear them no more. And that’s what I hope your child willContinue reading “Scarecrow Invents Bully-Stones”

Scarecrow Gets Three Wishes

What can happen when a scarecrow is dubbed an all-around good egg and is gifted with three wishes by Princess Molly? Will Scarecrow choose his wishes wisely? Or will he make some mistakes along the way? The inspiration for this book: My mother. Molly and Lucas’s 2nd great grandmother. I can still hear her responseContinue reading “Scarecrow Gets Three Wishes”