Giveaway and Review and More…

February 8, 2024 It’s a Giveaway and Review and More Extravaganza! Imagine waking up from a nap to see a donkey and a horse peering through the screen door, both desperately thirsty. Would you give them a drink? And then what? Sally, an energetic 87-year-old woman, faces this exact dilemma. Intrigued by the animals, sheContinue reading “Giveaway and Review and More…”

Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors!

Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors! What if the author of the book you just read and yourself met at a crossroads. You have 1-minute to say what you think of the story you just read. What would you say to the author about the story? Would you say: Or (heavenContinue reading “Attention Readers! Try Reviewing and Get Complimentary Books from Authors!”

8 Things Posting a Book Review Says About You… And Does for You

This is so important that I’ll say it again….8 Things Posting a Book Review Says About You… And Does for You When you were in school, did you have a clue that you were prepping to shape the world? “What world is that?” you ask. “It’s just a boring old required book report.” I know.Continue reading “8 Things Posting a Book Review Says About You… And Does for You”

Last Minute Gifts to Fulfill Your List

Last Minute Gifts for Everyone on Your List Did it happen again? Here you are… the clock is ticking… you need gifts that will entertain, encourage, and teach… in an hour?  Yikes! Take a breath. It will be fine. Your people will know that you searched and searched and then nailed it just for them.Continue reading “Last Minute Gifts to Fulfill Your List”

You’re Running Out of Inspiration? Here’s How to Get a Refill.

If you’re Running out of inspiration, here’s how to get a quick and easy refill. The Symptoms of Inspiration Leaking You feel it. You hear the tire slowly deflating but you don’t have a spare to yank out, crank on and get on down the road. That’s the miserable sound of inspiration oozing. It isContinue reading “You’re Running Out of Inspiration? Here’s How to Get a Refill.”

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author

Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author Does this happen to you? It happens to me. Each time I decide what I want to be when I grow up, a picture comes into my head. The picture invariably is of me (and my team) with the shiny finished product with throngs of people lined upContinue reading “Behind the Scenes of a Productive Author”

Here’s 7 Things You Don’t Know About Alexie Linn Books…

7 Things You Don’t Know About Alexie Linn Books… Or do you? After about 40 books and a few years, Alexie Linn has her own special routine of idiosyncrasies to produce a quality read. Relatively fast and easy… so to speak. When she was puzzling out her own quirks, she wondered how much do youContinue reading “Here’s 7 Things You Don’t Know About Alexie Linn Books…”

It’s 99¢ Story Day!

>99-cent Story Day! < The Personal Transformation of Queenie Two women lay sprawled in front of my truck.  They are very dead.  Queenie sits like a statue on the passenger side of my vintage Chevy pick-up looking like the circus fat lady that she thinks she is – but she’s not laughing.  I am onContinue reading “It’s 99¢ Story Day!”